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Thank you for reaching out.
At present, I am at full capacity and unable to take on new clients immediately.

To ensure the highest quality of treatment and care for all my clients, I maintain a wait list for those interested in starting therapy with me.

Wait List Information
Estimated Wait Time: While it is difficult to predict the exact wait time, it is currently estimated to be between 3-6 months. However, availability may open up sooner than anticipated.

Join the Wait List: If you would like to join the wait list, please complete the form below.

    Before scheduling your first appointment, I will reach out to arrange a complimentary consultation. This session will help us determine if we are a good fit for each other and discuss your needs and goals for therapy.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. I look forward to the possibility of working together in the future.

    RP (Qualifying) psychotherapists are registrants of CRPO. They have completed or are nearing completion of their psychotherapy training. They are legally authorized to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy and are required to practise with clinical supervision as they gain experience in the profession.